I just want to say how ashamed I am after 48yrs on this earth & Ive finally taken upon myself to educate myself in the True Relegion of Islam. My English/ Scottish heritage only taught me Christian beliefs, & my eye opener was & IS THE SIMPLE FACT THAT THE TRUE BOOK. THE HOLY QUARAN HAS NOT ONLY THE EXACT STORY TOLD BY THE old & new TESTAMENT- Which been revised twice! ( Meaning to me that Humanity needed to change GODS OWN WORDS, just SO DISBELIEVERS WOULD LISTEN & OBEY. ) The True WORD OF GOD SPOKEN THROUGH THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD DIDNT NEED CHANGING OR RE-WRITTING AS TO ME IT IS EASILY UNDERSTOOD WHAT “ALLAH” WANTS US TO BE, & HOW TO CONDUCT OUR LIVES. The HOLY QUARAN HAS NOT BEEN TOUCHED OR CHANGED BY MORTAL MEN , it ONLY SPEAKS THE TRUE WORD OF ALLAH, THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH. ALLAH THE MERCIFUL, ALLAH THE FORGIVING, ALLAH THE WISE.

The Stain on the American Flag: The Disease of White Supremacy and How to Eradicate It
HORATIO: Have after. To what issue will this come? MARCELLUS: Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. HORATIO: Heaven will direct it. (Hamlet Act